Following two functions can be used for encoding string in base64. This is useful when you want to pass encrypted string etc on URL.
Public Function Base64Encoding(StrToEncode As String) As String
Static EncodeTable(0 To 63) As Byte
Dim K As Long, OutStr() As Byte, StrIn() As Byte, Lng As Long
If EncodeTable(0) = 0 Then
For K = 0 To 25
EncodeTable(K) = Asc("A") + K
Next K
For K = 0 To 25
EncodeTable(K + 26) = Asc("a") + K
Next K
For K = 0 To 9
EncodeTable(K + 52) = Asc("0") + K
Next K
EncodeTable(62) = Asc("+")
EncodeTable(63) = Asc("/")
End If
If StrToEncode = "" Then Exit Function
StrIn = StrConv(StrToEncode, vbFromUnicode)
If (Len(StrToEncode) Mod 3) = 0 Then
ReDim OutStr((Len(StrToEncode) \ 3) * 4 - 1)
ReDim OutStr(((Len(StrToEncode) \ 3) + 1) * 4 - 1)
End If
For K = 0 To Len(StrToEncode) \ 3 - 1
Lng = StrIn(K * 3 + 2) Or (StrIn(K * 3 + 1) * &H100&) Or (StrIn(K * 3) * &H10000)
OutStr(K * 4 + 0) = EncodeTable((Lng And &HFC0000) \ &H40000)
OutStr(K * 4 + 1) = EncodeTable((Lng And &H3F000) \ &H1000&)
OutStr(K * 4 + 2) = EncodeTable((Lng And &HFC0&) \ &H40&)
OutStr(K * 4 + 3) = EncodeTable(Lng And &H3F&)
Next K
If (Len(StrToEncode) Mod 3) = 1 Then
Lng = StrIn(UBound(StrIn)) * &H10000
OutStr(UBound(OutStr) - 3) = EncodeTable((Lng And &HFC0000) \ &H40000)
OutStr(UBound(OutStr) - 2) = EncodeTable((Lng And &H3F000) \ &H1000&)
OutStr(UBound(OutStr) - 1) = Asc("=")
OutStr(UBound(OutStr) - 0) = Asc("=")
ElseIf (Len(StrToEncode) Mod 3) = 2 Then
Lng = (StrIn(UBound(StrIn)) * &H100&) Or (StrIn(UBound(StrIn) - 1) * &H10000)
OutStr(UBound(OutStr) - 3) = EncodeTable((Lng And &HFC0000) \ &H40000)
OutStr(UBound(OutStr) - 2) = EncodeTable((Lng And &H3F000) \ &H1000&)
OutStr(UBound(OutStr) - 1) = EncodeTable((Lng And &HFC0&) \ &H40&)
OutStr(UBound(OutStr) - 0) = Asc("=")
End If
Base64Encoding = StrConv(OutStr, vbUnicode)
End Function
Public Function Base64Decoding(StrToDecode As String, Optional CheckInvalidChars As Boolean = True) As String
Static DecodeTable(0 To 255) As Byte
Dim OutStr() As Byte, StrIn() As Byte
Dim K As Long, Lng As Long
If DecodeTable(0) = 0 Then
For K = 0 To 255
DecodeTable(K) = 255
Next K
For K = 0 To 25
DecodeTable(K + 65) = K
Next K
For K = 26 To 51
DecodeTable(K + 71) = K
Next K
For K = 52 To 61
DecodeTable(K - 4) = K
Next K
DecodeTable(43) = 62
DecodeTable(47) = 63
End If
If StrToDecode = "" Then Exit Function
StrToDecode = Trim(StrToDecode)
If CheckInvalidChars Then
For K = 0 To 255
If Not (Chr(K) Like "[A-Za-z0-9+/=]") Then
StrToDecode = Replace(StrToDecode, Chr(K), "")
End If
Next K
End If
StrIn() = StrConv(StrToDecode, vbFromUnicode)
ReDim OutStr(0 To ((Len(StrToDecode) \ 4) * 3 - 1))
For K = 0 To Len(StrToDecode) \ 4 - 2
Lng = DecodeTable(StrIn(K * 4 + 3))
Lng = Lng Or (DecodeTable(StrIn(K * 4 + 2)) * &H40&)
Lng = Lng Or (DecodeTable(StrIn(K * 4 + 1)) * &H1000&)
Lng = Lng Or (DecodeTable(StrIn(K * 4 + 0)) * &H40000)
OutStr(K * 3 + 0) = (Lng And &HFF0000) \ &H10000
OutStr(K * 3 + 1) = (Lng And &HFF00&) \ &H100&
OutStr(K * 3 + 2) = Lng And &HFF&
Next K
Lng = 0
If DecodeTable(StrIn(K * 4 + 3)) <> 255 Then Lng = DecodeTable(StrIn(K * 4 + 3))
If DecodeTable(StrIn(K * 4 + 2)) <> 255 Then Lng = Lng Or (DecodeTable(StrIn(K * 4 + 2)) * &H40&)
If DecodeTable(StrIn(K * 4 + 1)) <> 255 Then Lng = Lng Or (DecodeTable(StrIn(K * 4 + 1)) * &H1000&)
If DecodeTable(StrIn(K * 4 + 0)) <> 255 Then Lng = Lng Or (DecodeTable(StrIn(K * 4 + 0)) * &H40000)
OutStr(K * 3 + 0) = (Lng And &HFF0000) \ &H10000
OutStr(K * 3 + 1) = (Lng And &HFF00&) \ &H100&
OutStr(K * 3 + 2) = Lng And &HFF&
If StrIn(UBound(StrIn) - 1) = 61 Then
Base64Decoding = Left(StrConv(OutStr, vbUnicode), UBound(OutStr) - 1)
ElseIf StrIn(UBound(StrIn)) = 61 Then
Base64Decoding = Left(StrConv(OutStr, vbUnicode), UBound(OutStr) - 0)
Base64Decoding = StrConv(OutStr, vbUnicode)
End If
End Function