Unmanaged VB6.0 Code to C#
Note that you have to pass array without index.
Dim lParms(9) As Long
objNetAsm.GetInfo lParms
Managed C# Code:
In managed C# the array is accessed by refrence.
public long GetInfo (ref Int32[] plParms)
// Note that long in VB is Int32 in C#
UnmanagedVB6.0 to C++:
// Note you have to pass 0th element
cppObj.GetInfo lParms(0)
Unmanaged C++
// Using array pointer
GetInfo (long * plParms)
Some more good info on "Default Marshaling for Arrays"
April 04, 2006
Passing Int Array from Unmanged to Managed code
at 4/04/2006
Tags: .NET , Interop\PInvoke , VB6